Latest News & Events
Employment Opportunity - Public Works Operator 2
Join Our Team!
Operator 2 (Public Works)
The Municipal District of Pincher Creek is hiring a Full-Time Operator II to join our Public Works Dep...
Coffee with Council - Twin Butte
Next Coffee with Council is Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at the Twin Butte Hall at 6:00 pm
Coffee with Council allows citizens to meet with their ele...
Volunteer Appreciation
The Municipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9 and the Town of Pincher Creek are celebrating National Volunteer Week, starting April 28, 2025.
Tender Documents for Fire Hall
Attention contractors:
On behalf of the Pincher Creek Emergency Services Commission:
Tender documents for the renovations/addition to the new F...
Utility Rate Open House
Residents & Property Owners of the MD of Pincher Creek and Cowley
Your input is invaluable, and we want to hear from you!
The MD...
Updated Policies
At the meeting in January, MD Council approved updates to the following policies:
A-ADMIN-003 Organizational Chart
C-PW-003 Winter Maintenance o...
Public Hearing Bylaw 1354-25
Notice of Public Hearing
MD of Pincher Creek No. 9
To be held at 3:00 p.m., ...
Employment Opportunity - Pesticide Applicators
Exciting Summer Employment Opportunity!
Are you a post-secondary student studying agriculture, animal science, soil science, or biology?...
New Online Public Map
The MD now has an online public map available. This map shows information related to land use zoning, legal descriptions, crown land, road classificat...
Mulching in MD
Due to the mild weather and lack of snow over the past month, the MD has dispatched the excavator and mulcher to clear brush and trees from the ditche...
Coffee with Council 2025
At their last meeting, the Council for the MD of Pincher Creek made a motion to host 5 community engagement ...
Private Snow Removal
Per C-PW-003 (Winter Maintenance on MD Roads) private driveways may request to be cleared of snow. For information on private driveways available for ...
Rural/Civic Addresses (blue address signs)
Municipal District of Pincher Creek - Rural / Civic
Addresses (blue address signs)
The MD of Pincher Creek is updating its rural/civic addre...
2025 Approved Budget
The MD is required by the Municipal Government Act to pass an operating and capital budget every year. The budget process is thorough and involves ...
2024/2025 Snow Plow Map
At the meeting of October 22, 2024, Council approved the below map for snow plow routes and priorities, for the 2024/2025 season.
For the policy on...
Patton Park Walking Path
The Patton Park Society members attended a Council meeting in the early spring. The members reviewed the park society's history, accomplishments, ...
Sunrise Solar Project Withdrawn
On October 30, 2024 the Municipal District of Pincher Creek administration received notice that the proposed Sunrise Solar Project GP Limited (&quo...
U of A Study
Farmers and ranchers! Here's your chance to get paid for your time to talk about the challenges of working in agriculture!
It's worth a $50...
Newley Elected Reeve/Deputy Reeve
On October 22, 2024, MD Council held its annual Organizational Meeting. Council members voted Rick Lemire into the position of Reeve, and Tony Bruder ...
Change in Times of Council Meetings
At the Organizational Meeting of October 22, 2024, Council made a resolution to change the meetings times to the following:
Council Committee ...
Beaver Mines Project Recap
Below is a recap of information relating to the Beaver Mines Water/Waste Water Project. For any further information please contact the MD ...
Passing of Former Councillor Pharis
Council and staff were saddened to hear of Hilton Pharis' passing. He was the Division 5 Councillor from 1960 unt...
Rural Crime Capture Program
You can help protect your property, your family and your community by registering your security cameras with Rural Crime Capture Program. By registeri...
Clean Energy Improvement Program
Looking to beat the heat? Add an air conditioning heat pump, upgrade your windows, or increase your insulation with help from the Clean Energy Impr...
Pheasants Forever
At the meeting of June 25, 2024, Council met with President Perry McCormick with Pheasants Forever. Perry discussed the history of the game bird...
Wildlife Underpass
Starting on June 10, there will be construction activities off the sides of Highway 3, approximately 5 km West of Lundbreck.
Additionally, st...
Single Lane Road - Southfork
Southfork Hill (Twp. Rd. 7-0) will be open to single-lane traffic effective today, June 6, 2024. This tr...
Welcome Councillor Welsch
At the Special Meeting of May 7, 2024, Jim Welsch took his official oath of office. Welcome Councillor Welsch.
Spring 2024 Newsletter
Spring 2024 Newsletter ...
Bylaw 1349-23 Land Use Bylaw
The Municipal District of Pincher Creek community is constantly evolving and changing. With continued growth and development happening throughout the ...
CEIP Qualified Contractors
The MD and Town of Pincher Creek are onboarding qualified contractors to support the Clean Energy Improvement Program (CEIP). This program offers l...
Climate Risk Assessment Homeowner Checklist
Welcome to the “Homeowner Climate Risk Assessment Checklist” for the Pincher Creek region in Alberta. This important tool comes from th...
2024-2027 Strategic Plan
In the spring of 2023, the Municipal District of Pincher Creek Council gathered with their senior managers to determine how best to meet the needs of ...
Carnivores and Communities Program
The MD of Pincher Creek in cooperation with the Waterton Biosphere Region has implemented a program to effectively remove and dispose of the carcasses...
October - Energy Newsletter
Ford F-150 Lightning
Ford F-150 Lightning 3 Month Report. This project was part of the Electric Vehicles for Municipalities Program administered by MCCAC and was funded in...
Eco Centre Bins
Printable List
Eco Centre - Operational Days
Effective Sunday, October 1, 2023 - the Eco Centre will be operational from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm - 6 days a week, closed on MONDAYS and statutory holida...
Ford F-150 Lightning
We have received our Ford F-150 Lightning! Funding from the MCCAC changed the economics of the MD of Pincher Creek pi...
Caution Motorists - Equipment on/near Road Side
Road side mowing has started. The contractor is beginning along #3a by the airport. Please watch for equipment along ...
Drivers Please Use Caution
The MD of Pincher Creek is a beautiful place to go for a drive to take in the country's views. As we are entering road maintenance season, and are...
Climate Change Projections for Pincher Creek
Climate Change Projections for Pincher Creek - Final Report April 2023 ...
EV Chargers Now Available
EV charging now available at the Municipal District Administration building at 1037 Herron Ave.
They are 48-amp chargers available at $3/hour...
Climate Vulnerability Assessment Report
A climate impact assessment workshop was held on March 1, 2023 at the MD of Pincher Creek Council
Chambers. The goal of the session was to assess the...
Municipal Land Use Suitability Tool (MLUST)
The Municipal Land Use Suitability Tool was developed for Municipality of Pincher Creek with funds from Alberta Energy Efficiency.
When municipal g...
Pre-Authorized Payment Plan - Utilities
The MD of Pincher Creek is pleased to offer all residents in Beaver Mines and Lundbreck the option of Pre-Authorized Utility Payments.
What a...
Climate Change Resiliency and Adaptation Study
The Town and MD have partnered to secure funding from the Municipal Climate Change Action Center to undertake a Climate Change Resiliency and Adaptati...
Energy Efficiency Program
Fortis Alberta is working with Okos to conduct a 1-year trial for new energy efficiency equipment that includes air quality sensors, a smart thermosta...
2023 Budget
The MD is required by the Municipal Government Act to pass an operating and capital budget every year. The budget process is thorough and involves ...
Livestock Tax Deferral
How the Livestock Tax Deferral Works:
Pre-Authorized Utility Payments
The MD of Pincher Creek is pleased to offer all residents in Beaver Mines and Lundbreck the option of Pre-Authorized Utility Payments.
What a...
Rural Crime Watch Association
South West Alberta Rural Crime Watch Association
Alberta Citizens on Patrol - South West Alberta Rural Crime Watch Association
Building safer ...
Guide To Pest Wireworms
AAFC Guide To Pest Wireworms In Western Canadian Cropping Systems...
Wild Boar Prohibited in MD
Wild boars are not native to Alberta. In the 1980s and 1990s they were introduced in Alberta as livestock. At the time, there were no requirements to ...
Avian Influenza Information
Most producers will have been notified through the Premises Identification (PID) program but some people with smaller flocks may not know about the re...
Invasive Species Week - Common Burdock
On this first day of #InvasiveSpeciesWeek, remember that #invasivespecies have evolved many strategies to spread and reproduce in new areas. Com...
Invasive Species Week - Community Champion Alan Jacklin
Today for #InvasiveSpeciesWeek we honour a local Community Champion - Alan Jacklin - who dedicated his over three decade career to prevention and mana...
Test The Speed of Your Internet Service
Highspeed rural internet is critical for economic development, engaging in the digital economy, and working and learning from home. The Government ...
2021 MD Election
These are the unofficial results of the 2021 election. Official results will be posted later this week.
Division One: Tony Bruder
Lank Bridge Now Open
October 8, 2021 - Please note: Lank Bridge over the Oldman River has been inspected and is now open. Thank you to everyone for your patience during th...
Weed Of The Week #13 - Creeping Thistle AKA Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense)
Noxious Under Alberta's Weed Control Act
Submitted By Kelly Cooley, CoolPro Solutions
Most people are aware of Creeping Thistle (most of...
MD Response to Coal Policy Engagement
MD of Pincher Creek No. 9
The Vision of the Council of the MD of Pincher Creek is a community that manages growth and supports our western he...
Weed Of The Week #12 - Common Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare)
Weed Of The Week #12 - Common Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare)
Noxious Under Alberta’s Weed Control Act
Submitted By Kelly Cooley, CoolPro Solu...
Weed Of The Week #11 Common Mullein (Verbascum thapsus)
Weed Of The Week #11
Common Mullein (Verbascum thapsus)
Noxious Under Alberta’s Weed Control Act
Fire Ban
A Fire Ban is in effect July 27, 2021. For the The MD of Pincher Creek, Town of Pincher Creek and the Piikani Nation including the communi...
Weed(s) Of The Week #10 Dalmatian Toadflax (Linaria dalmatica)
Weed(s) Of The Week #10
Dalmatian Toadflax (Linaria dalmatica)
Common Toadflax AKA Yellow Toadflax (Linaria vulgaris)
Both Species ...
Weed Of The Week #9 - Blueweed (Echium vulgare)
Weed Of The Week #9 - Blueweed (Echium vulgare)
Noxious Under Alberta’s Weed Control Act
Submitted By Kelly Cooley, CoolPro So...
Weed of the Week - Yellowdevil Hawkweed
Weed(s) Of The Week #8
Yellowdevil Hawkweed (Pilosella glomerata AKA Hieracium glomeratum)
Tall Hawkweed (Hieracium piloselloides)
Currently U...
Alberta Native Bee Council
We often hear about the need to 'Save The Bees'. Most people think this means domesticated honey bees, which are actually introduced species n...
Weed of the Week - Orange Hawkweed
Orange Hawkweed (Hieracium aurantiacum AKA Pilosella aurantiaca)
Prohibited Noxious Under Alberta's Weed Control Act
Submitted By Kelly Cooley, ...
Weed of the Week - Tall Buttercup
Weed Of The Week #6
Tall Buttercup (Ranunculus acris)
Noxious Under Alberta's Weed Control Act
Submitted By Kelly Cooley, C...
PlayCleanGoWeek - Final day!
#PlayCleanGoWeek concludes today with a summary after a week of reminders on specific practical tips for applying PlayCleanGo principles to a wid...
Weed Of The Week - Oxeye Daisy
Weed Of The Week #5
Oxeye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare)
Noxious Under Alberta's Weed Control Act
Submitted By Kelly Cooley, CoolPro Solutio...
PlayCleanGoWeek - Day 7
#PlayCleanGoWeek continues as the sun (and wind) return on Day #7!
Today we discuss keeping your animal companions free of #invasivespecies a...
PlayCleanGoWeek - Day 6
#PlayCleanGoWeek continues on a rainy Day #6 with a shout out to our wonderful gardening enthusiasts: remember to avoid planting #invasivespecies in t...
PlayCleanGoWeek - Day 5
#PlayCleanGoWeek continues on Day #5 with some much-needed rain showers here in Southwest Alberta, which will make mountain biking trails wet and...
Updated Pincher Creek Flood Study
The Alberta Government recently posted new study notices that provide general information about progress on different components of each p...
PlayCleanGoWeek - Day 4
#PlayCleanGoWeek continues on Day #4 with a Tuesday heads up to thoroughly clean your off-highway vehicles (OHV's) of #invasivespecies seeds that ...
Weed Of The Week - Leafy Spurge
Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia virgata AKA Euphorbia esula)
Noxious Under Alberta's Weed Control Act
Submitted By Kelly Cooley, CoolPro Solutions
PlayCleanGoWeek - Day 3
#PlayCleanGoWeek continues on Day #3 with a Monday reminder to thoroughly clean your RV (truck, camper, trailer) and tenting gear of #invasivespecies ...
PlayCleanGoWeek - Day 2
#PlayCleanGoWeek continues with a reminder to REPORT #invasive species you find!
When you are out working or playing, and find plants you know are ...
PlayCleanGoWeek - Day 1
Welcome to #PlayCleanGoWeek - June 5th - 12th!
If you're heading out on the trails today on foot, bike, horseback, or ATV please remember to th...
Weed of the Week - Field Scabious
Weed Of The Week
Field Scabious AKA Bluebuttons (Knautia arvensis)
Noxious Under Alberta's Weed Control Act
Submitted By Kelly Cooley, Co...
Connect with the Coal Policy Committee
The Coal Policy Committee is excited to launch their engagement webpage where you will be able to interact with the committee in different ways. ...
Weed Of The Week - Wild Caraway (Carum carvi)
Noxious Under Local Municipal Bylaw
Submitted By Kelly Cooley, CoolPro Solutions
Photo Credits - Alberta Invasive Species Council
Weed of the Week - Hoary Cress AKA Whitetop (Lepidium draba)
Hoary Cress AKA Whitetop (Lepidium draba)
Noxious Under Alberta's Weed Control Act
Submitted By Kelly Cooley, CoolPro Solutions
Hoary Cress i...
Alberta Agriculture & Forestry Water Pumping Program
Alberta Agriculture & Forestry Water Pumping Program
The Water Pumping Program is a service intended to assist producers in obtaining wate...
Pincher Creek Regional Recreation Master Plan
Pincher Creek Regional Recreation Master Plan Final March 2021...
Lundbreck Skateboard Park
Spring is in the air! The MD of Pincher Creek, in collaboration with the Lundbreck Citizens Council and Patton Park Society, have opened the Lundbreck...
211 Alberta is focused on building a comprehensive information & referral system accessible to all Albertans. The 211 system is an enhancement, no...
Castle Area Water Project Ribbon-Cutting
Yesterday the MD of Pincher Creek was pleased to gather various stakeholders for the Castle Area Water Project commissioning/ribbon-cuttin...
Letter Re: Oldman River Basin Water Allocation Order
At their Special meeting of February 2, 2021, Council, along with the Council for the MD of Ranchland, approved the following letter to the Alberta Go...
Test The Speed of Your Internet Service
Highspeed rural internet is critical for economic development, engaging in the digital economy, and working and learn...
Thank you Windy Slopes Health Foundation
On behalf of the Windy Slopes Health Foundation, a delightful volunteer dropped off these masks for Council to wear. ...
Service Canada - Ready to Help
Government is ready to help Canadians through the COVID-19 outbreak. Find financial help during COVID-19
Working with Landowners
There are several unique challenges that MD residents, Council, and staff confront, but working together can make a difference. With over 1000 kilomet...
2021 Operating Budget Approval
The MD is required by the Municipal Government Act to pass an operating and capital budget every year. The budget process is thorough and involves ...
On March 4, 2020, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) published the final re-evaluation decision on strychnine used to cont...
Rural Crime Watch
Want to be involved with South West Alberta Crime Watch? Be sure to “like” their page and message them for upcoming meetings, or ways that...
Federal Government Announces New Funding
Government of Canada expands Regional Relief and Recovery Fund to support more Western businesses.
Minister Joly announces that additional funding ...
Updated Policies - C-AES 001/C-AES-002/C-CO-004
The administration is continuing to reevaluate and update policies as per Councils' direction. At their meeting of September 22, 2020, Council app...
Hamlet Residents - Animal Control
Residents are reminded that Bylaw 1198-10 (Animal Control) states that animals cannot be found running at large outside the property of the owners.
Provincial Proposal to Reduce Assessment
We need your support!
Our Province has proposed reducing the assessed value of Wells, Pipelines, Machinery and Equipment for the Oil and Gas Sector...
MD Contractors and Tradespersons
MD Contractors and Tradespersons
The MD of Pincher Creek is compiling a directory of local service providers that ca...
Intermunicipal Collaborative Framework Agreement (ICF)
On March 13th, prior to Covid-19, the Town and MD Councils signed and celebrated the newly formed Intermunicipal Collaborative Framework Agreement (IC...
AFFPA Promoting Local in partnership with the Government
Are you a FARM producer or small scale processor? ARRPA is looking to ADD you to their Membership and their FIND A FARM Map on their website!
2020 ...
Ribbon Cutting - PCCELC
July 3, 2020
This morning Reeve Hammond brought greetings from the MD at the ribbon cutting for the two Pincher Creek Community Early Learning Cent...
MD Approved for AMWWP Grant
What can we say? In a word, Grateful.
This week it was confirmed by the Minister of Transportation, The Hon. Ric McIver, that the MD of Pinch...
Crowsnest/Pincher Creek Landfill Association Update Cardboard/Reuse Center
Recycling Cardboard Notice and Reuse Center ...
Changes to 2020 Taxes/Utilities
Due to COVID-19, Council altered its previously approved budget to maintain the tax rate from 2019. This revised budget can be viewed here.
Reeve Brian Hammond and Mayor Don Anderberg Update on PCCELC
The decision having been made, to provide financial support to the PCCELC project, it is important to affirm that the decision was not made lightl...
Safety on Roads
The MD of Pincher Creek is a beautiful place to go for a drive to take in the country's views. As we are entering road maintenance season, and are...
Please Don't Trespass
To those visiting our MD and the beautiful South West region of Alberta, our MD is a mixture of ecological reserves, Provincial Parks, Provincial Recr...
Pincher Creek Physicians Letter to Community
To our valued community,
We understand there has been a lot of confusion about what is happening with healthcare in Pincher Creek. We hope to...
MD Letter Regarding Rural Health Care
Dear Minister.
Council at their meeting of April 28, 2020, discussed the on-going situation between the Alberta Medical Association and our own Pro...
Reeve Brian Hammond - 2020 Tax Update
Letter from Reeve Brian Hammond ...
Reeve Brian Hammond - Volunteer Appreciation
Dear Community Members
This is Volunteer Appreciation week across our province, a moment in time when we have traditionally honored the many volunt...
Revised 2020 Budget
The MD is required by the Municipal Government Act to pass an operating and capital budget every year. The budget process is thorough and involves ...
PCCELC Survey Results
In March, Council requested a survey to gauge an understanding of how residents felt about the Pincher Creek Community Early Learning Centers (PCCELC)...
New Food Bank Phone Number
Food Bank new phone number. Arrangements have to be made for pick up or delivery of hampers by calling 403 632 6716...
Crowsnest/Pincher Creek Landfill Association Changes
The Landfill is operating with our regular business hours for now.
Mondays – Saturday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.
The scale is operating as usu...
Reeve Brian Hammond Community Update
Essential Services
A list of essential services via Alberta Government:
Click here...
Social Services Support Fund
The Alberta Government is providing $30 million to municipalities, charitable and non-profit organizations to provide help to in...
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed to assist with-in our community with Food Bank, deliveries, virtually. Volunteers will be contacted by email or phone.
To reg...
Help Prevent the Spread
Video encourages Albertans to help prevent the spread ...
Snow Event Preparedness
Winter Story Warning in effect from Environment Canada for MD and area. Hazardous winter conditions are expected.
MD crews are prepared for the wee...
Health Link 811
The Municipal District of Pincher Creek is keeping a close eye on the developing COVID-19 situation and continues to receive daily updates from the Pr...
Updated Policy C-PW-003 Winter Maintenance
Council, at their meeting of February 25, 2020, updated corporate policy:
Beaver Mines Project Update - Lift Station and Force Main
January 30, 2020
Please note you will see activity across the street from the Beaver Mines Store today. The MD's contractors have begun clearin...
Beaver Mines Project Update - Wastewater Treatment
January 22, 2020
The Municipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9 is pleased to announce that it will be proceeding with one of the land locations sub...
2019 Fall Newsletter
2019 Fall Newsletter...
Winter Safety Tip from Operator Joh
My name is Joh, and I am an operator for the MD of Pincher Creek. Winter is here again, which means its time to clear the roads and streets. As the se...
Winter Safety Tip: Plowing Snow onto MD Road
Winter Safety Tip: Pushing snow from driveways across MD roads.
Did you know that when you push snow ac...
Updated Landfill Information
The Crowsnest/Pincher Creek Landfill Association
Phone (403) 628-3849 Fax (403) 628-2258
Manager - Emile Saindon
Hours of Opera...
Safety Message - Cattle Drives
Due to the large accumulation of snow this past weekend, many cattle are ready to come home earlier than anticipated. Please be aware when driving ...
Weekend Procedures During Major Snow Event
With the current winter storm watch in effect for the Municipality, Public Works had a busy few days preparing equipment for this weather event. Th...
Beaver Mines Project Update - September 24, 2019
Beaver Mines Regional Water Supply Contracts 1
All restoration work completed with the exception of grass seeding at disturbed areas. ...
ICF Media Release - August 7, 2019
Media Release - August 7, 2019 ...
Municipalities Ready to Respond Together
Municipalities Ready to Respond Together
August 28, 2019
Today at 1:00 p.m. at the Pincher Creek Fire Hall, three identical bylaws were signed. ...
ICF Media Release
MEDIA RELEASE INFORMATION TO SHARE (ICF Committee Approved) June 21, 2019
MD & Town working together for many years to maximize ser...
Public Service Announcement - Safety on our Roads
Hi, my name is Mike and I am an equipment operator for the M.D. of Pincher Creek No.9. I may look like a grader, a gravel truck or a nuisance slowing ...
ICF Feedback Form
Your input is valuable and most appreciated by the ICF Committee, Town and MD staff, and, both Councils. Please note that this input will be provided ...
Beaver Mines Questionnaire Results
This past spring a Residential Engagement Survey was circulated to the Beaver Mines community. The results of that survey are provided here with a bri...
Water Pumping Program
Provides assistance to producers in securing adequate water supplies for domestic, livestock or agricultural purposes.
For a nominal fee, a produce...
Fire Restriction in Effect
As per Pincher Creek Emergency Services - for more information contact them at 403 627-5333
Due to the forcasted and continued dry conditions and l...
Hydrant Flushing - Lundbreck
Hydrant flushing will take place in Lundbreck beginning July 31, 2024, and will take approximately 2 days.
Hydrant Flushing: What is it?
Southfork Hill Road Closure (Twp. Rd. 7-0)
Southfork Hill Road Closure (Twp. Rd. 7-0)
Due to geotechnical drilling, which entails a drill rig sitting on the road surface and excavating...
Eco Centre CLOSED
January 2, 2024
Attention Eco Centre users. Due to higher-than-normal usage, ALL bins at th...