PlayCleanGoWeek - Day 6

#PlayCleanGoWeek continues on a rainy Day #6 with a shout out to our wonderful gardening enthusiasts: remember to avoid planting #invasivespecies in their landscaping!

The gardening community is large and interactive, with many plant and seed exchanges where everyone works to plant something new and fresh in their own garden beds from season to season.
Gardeners should make sure they avoid sharing #invasivespecies with each other at these plant and seed exchanges! 

The Alberta Invasive Species Council has an excellent brochure on their website called PlantWise: Grow Me Instead (see photos included in this post) which offers pretty and non-invasive alternatives to several weedy species.

Another tempting practice for some gardeners is to 'wildcraft' by digging up a plant found in the wild and replanting it at home. This should be avoided, as it risks introduction and transport of potentially invasive weed species.

Remember to source weed free garden soil, mulch, rock, and other amendments, and keep your tools and other gardening gear clean between planting sites to avoid spreading invasive weeds & pests.

Thank you for making your garden beautiful, and for doing your part to prevent the introduction & spread of #invasivespecies here in Southern Alberta ðŸ˜Ž @PlayCleanGo #EnviroWeek @AlbertaInvasive 

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Municipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9
Box 279
1037 Herron Avenue
Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0
Phone: 403-627-3130
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