Climate Change Resiliency and Adaptation Study

The Town and MD have partnered to secure funding from the Municipal Climate Change Action Center to undertake a Climate Change Resiliency and Adaptation Study.

On November 8th the staff from both the Town and MD got together to share their roles, responsibilities and vulnerabilities with the consultant; AllOneSky Foundation. This showcase also involved a tour of our gorgeous geography, and the day couldn’t have been more perfect!

This study will help provide an idea of how weather patterns in the Pincher Creek area may change in the coming years, identify major risks, and ultimately share recommendations to capitalize on these changes. Some examples could be; longer growing season and increased crop yields, more intense storms and potential for flood damage, or higher road degradation. In this process we are looking forward to receiving community feedback and will be releasing a survey and hosting multiple open house events to hear from you!

The results of this study should help guide the municipalities, residents, and businesses in increasing their resilience to our ever-changing climate. Stay tuned for survey and open house dates!

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Municipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9
Box 279
1037 Herron Avenue, Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0
Phone: 403-627-3130       Fax: 403-627-5070
Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm M-F

Municipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9
Box 279
1037 Herron Avenue
Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0
Phone: 403-627-3130
Fax: 403-627-5070
Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm M-F
Copyright © 2025 MD of Pincher Creek No. 9       Disclaimer