PlayCleanGoWeek - Final day!

#PlayCleanGoWeek concludes today with a summary after a week of reminders on specific practical tips for applying PlayCleanGo principles to a wide range of activities and avoiding the spread of #invasivespecies!

Today's summary infographic pulls all the pieces we covered during #PlayCleanGoWeek together, and even adds a couple we didn't have enough days to include!

The two we'll briefly cover today are firewood and aquatic recreation.

Buy It Where You Burn It - Don't Move Firewood! They give you shade. They provide oxygen. Let’s make sure trees everywhere can do the same for future generations. If you’re a camper heading out for a trip — or just getting firewood for your wood stove — do nature a favor. Don’t move firewood long distances — doing so can potentially transport invasive species, including insects, fungi, and diseases. Instead, buy it where you’ll burn it, buy certified heat-treated firewood if available, or gather firewood on site if permitted. The forests, and your great-great-grandkids, will thank you.

If you recreate on or near the water, it's critical to prevent the spread of #AquaticInvasiveSpecies or #AIS to protect the aquatic environments you love to #PlayCleanGo in and around. Motorboat enthusiasts, paddlesports recreationists, and even those who just love to fish in our lakes, rivers, and streams can all do their part to #StopAquaticHitchhikers by following the practical prevention tips at the Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers website. Remember #CleanDrainDry and #PlayCleanGo embrace the same ethic of invasive species prevention!

Thank you for your participation and interest in #PlayCleanGoWeek, and for doing your part EVERY DAY to prevent the introduction & spread of #invasivespecies here in Southern Alberta ðŸ˜Ž @PlayCleanGo #EnviroWeek @AlbertaInvasive

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Municipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9
Box 279
1037 Herron Avenue
Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0
Phone: 403-627-3130
Fax: 403-627-5070
Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm M-F
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