Development Application

A Development Permit is required for new construction and major acts of renovation, or structural changes to existing buildings.  A permit may also be required for a change of use to land or buildings.

Applying for a Development Permit

To apply for a Development Permit, submit the DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM .  A processing fee must accompany the application form.  Whether the development is a permitted use, or discretionary use, determines the processing fee.  Along with the application form, a detailed site plan is also required.  In most cases of new construction, a detailed floor plan should also accompany the application.

The discretionary use application process is different than that for the permitted use process, as the authority to issue the permit falls to the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) and not the Development Officer.

The MD’s Land Use Bylaw consists of three uses - Permitted, Discretionary and Prohibited.  The purpose of MPC is to hear all the discretionary Development Permit Applications and to render their decision based on the requirements set forth within the Land Use Bylaw.

The MPC meets the first Tuesday of every month.  All applications for a discretionary use permit must be received twenty one (21) days prior to the meeting.

For more information, please contact the DEVELOPMENT OFFICER.

Developments NOT Requiring A Permit

Please see SECTION 15- DEVELOPMENTS NOT REQUIRING A PERMIT  of Land Use By-Law 1348-23 to determine if your development requires a permit or not.  If there is any uncertainty, please feel free to contact the DEVELOPMENT OFFICER  if you have any questions.

Municipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9
Box 279
1037 Herron Avenue, Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0
Phone: 403-627-3130       Fax: 403-627-5070
Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm M-F

Municipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9
Box 279
1037 Herron Avenue
Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0
Phone: 403-627-3130
Fax: 403-627-5070
Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm M-F
Copyright © 2025 MD of Pincher Creek No. 9       Disclaimer