MD Response to Coal Policy Engagement

MD of Pincher Creek No. 9
The Vision of the Council of the MD of Pincher Creek is a community that manages growth and supports our western heritage while preserving our natural environment.
When we heard that there was an opportunity to voice our concerns on coal and its development within the Eastern Slopes, a number of thoughts immediately came to mind.  However, upon reflection and sorting through the various viewpoints, one theme became clear and that is our unyielding stewardship of our water.  This is not just water for agriculture or human consumption, but water for recreation and our irreplaceable natural habitats.
To think there was even a small chance of doing generational harm to this resource, is beyond comprehension for us.  We are not against coal, but we are certainly firm in our resolve to protect what makes us uniquely SW Alberta; the natural beauty and abundance of wildlife and viewscapes, not to mention thriving communities and recreational spaces.  We work hard to coexist within this region, to keep what is undeveloped as “untouched” as possible for all to enjoy, humans and animals alike and the one thing we all share is the water.  Everything truly valued by us, begins and ends with our water.
Our Council has heard from our residents and numerous groups within our community and our voice is unified in this.  There can be no development without risk to our headwaters and any risk to our water is simply not acceptable.  For us and the generations that will come after us.
Thank you for allowing us to add our voice to your engagement process.
Reeve Brian C Hammond
On behalf of the Council and Residents of the MD of Pincher Creek No. 9

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Municipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9
Box 279
1037 Herron Avenue, Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0
Phone: 403-627-3130       Fax: 403-627-5070
Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm M-F

Municipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9
Box 279
1037 Herron Avenue
Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0
Phone: 403-627-3130
Fax: 403-627-5070
Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm M-F
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