Candidate Information
The Vision of the Council of the MD of Pincher Creek is a community that manages growth and supports our western heritage while preserving our natural environment.
Our Mission is to preserve and enhance our Western Canadian lifestyles and the natural capital of the MD of Pincher Creek through sound decision-making and good governance for the community.
If you're ready to make a difference and shape our Municipalities' future, now is the time to take action!
Nomination Period: Opens on January 1, 2025, and closes at noon on September 22, 2025. During this time, individuals interested in running for municipal office can submit their nomination papers.
Notice of Intent: Individuals who intend to run as a candidate in their local jurisdiction must submit a written Notice of Intent to the returning officer in their local jurisdiction.
Please contact the Returning Officer Maureen Webster at the MD Administration Office 403-627-3130.
Once a Notice of Intent form is accepted as complete by the local jurisdiction an individual is allowed to be a candidate, accept contributions or incur campaign expenses according to the rules set out in the Local Authorities Election Act and the Expense Limits regulation.
Election Day: October 20, 2025.
The Role of Reeve & Councillors
MD of Pincher Creek Council is comprised of five (5) Councillors elected for a term of four (4) years.
Each year an Organizational Meeting is held in October where the five members of Council elect a Reeve. This position still serves as Councillor for their Division but has added duties which involves a higher public profile and commitment of time and availability.
Council’s role is to set policies and provide a vision which form the guidelines for the daily operations of the Municipality. Council has only one employee – the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). The CAO is directly responsible for ensuring operations are conducted in a manner that follow and support Council’s policies and vision. Council is not responsible for how the day-to-day operations of the municipality are conducted.
How Council is Governed:
The Province provides the structure for local governments through legislation known as the
Municipal Government Act.
All Councillors will submit to the
Councillor Code of Conduct (Bylaw 1281-17)
Time Commitment:
Council Meetings: Two Council Meetings are scheduled per month. Additional meetings may be called to address emergent matters. Meeting preparation is expected, including reviewing agenda materials, reports, and other related communications. Prior Council meeting agenda packages can be found
Council Committees: Councillors are appointed annually to serve on various Committees at the Organizational Meeting, based on members’ interest in the committee, as well as maintaining a balance and commitment of time. Committee schedules vary; some meet more frequently than others and are scheduled at different times (i.e., during the day, during the evening). For information on all of Council committee see
Council Orientation and Training: The province now requires new elected officials to take Elected Official Training upon taking the oath of office. This training is coordinated by the Municipal Office and is mandatory for all elected candidates.
Conferences & Conventions: Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) holds two annual conventions in the Spring and Fall. RMA plays a key role in representing municipal interests to the Provincial government. The convention will focus on educating new Reeves and Councillors in an election year. For this reason, newly elected officials should be prepared to attend this conference. There may be other conferences throughout the year.
Public Appearances: Councillors are expected to represent the MD of Pincher Creek at various public events. Due to the position, the Reeve will typically attend more public appearances. These can include award ceremonies, parades, celebrations, etc.
Communication: Councillors are expected to read and respond to communication from ratepayers, stakeholders and the CAO in a timely manner.
Nomination Package & Important Dates
Nomination period: Wednesday, January 1, 2025 - 12 p.m. Monday, September 22, 2025
Nomination Day: Monday, September 22, 2025 (This is the last day you can file nomination papers. Papers must be filed by 12 p.m.) *No monetary deposit is required to submit Nomination Papers.
Advance Vote: TBD (MD of Pincher Creek Admin Office)
Voting Day: Monday, October 20, 2025, locations TBD
Resources & forms:
Planning to hand in your forms? Contact our office beforehand so we can ensure authorized staff are available to accept them.
Do you know what division you are in?
Division 1 map (includes Hamlet of Twin Butte)
Division 2 map
Division 3 map (include Hamlet of Beaver Mines, and Castle Mountain Resort)
Division 4 map
Division 5 map (includes Hamlet of Lundbreck)
Other Resources
All Election information can be found at