Voter Information
Your voice matters in shaping the future of the MD of Pincher Creek No.9. By voting in the upcoming election, you're making an impact on the decisions that affect our roads, agriculture, services, and more.
*NEW for 2025*
New Voter Registration Process:
Recent amendments to Alberta's Local Authorities Election Act have introduced changes to the voter registration process. For the 2025 municipal elections, residents are encouraged to register to vote in advance to ensure a smooth voting experience. Advanced registration allows voters to receive important updates from Elections Alberta, including personalized information about where, when, and how to vote.
How to Register:
Check Your Registration Status: Visit
VOTERLINK to verify if you are already registered.
Register or Update Your Information: If you are not registered or need to update your details (e.g., due to a recent move or name change), you can do so online through VOTERLINK
Eligibility to Vote:
To be eligible to vote in the Alberta municipal elections, you must be:
A Canadian citizen.
At least 18 years old on Election Day.
Are a resident of the MD of Pincher Creek on Election Day:
To vote for Councillor, you must reside in the respective division.
Provide one of the authorized pieces of ID.
Identification Requirements – What’s Changed?
For the 2025 municipal election, voter identification requirements have been updated:
Accepted personal identification includes a valid Alberta driver’s licence, a motor vehicle operator’s licence, or an identification card issued by or on behalf of the Government of Alberta.
The ID must include a photograph, name, and post office box number
Find your division:
If you are unsure of your division, please call the office with your civic address.
Do you know what division you are in?
Division 1 map (includes Hamlet of Twin Butte)
Division 2 map
Division 3 map (include Hamlet of Beaver Mines, and Castle Mountain Resort)
Division 4 map
Division 5 map (includes Hamlet of Lundbreck)
Important dates:
Nomination period: Wednesday, January 1, 2025 - 12 p.m. Monday, September 22, 2025
Nomination Day: Monday, September 22, 2025 (This is the last day you can file nomination papers. Papers must be filed by 12 p.m.)
Advance Vote: TBD (Municipal District of Pincher Creek Administration Office)
Voting Day: Monday, October 20, 2025, locations TBD